Sustainability is the foundation for value creation

As one of the the world's biggest producers of graphic paper, we realise that our future business depends on sustainability. This is why our commitment can be seen throughout the whole value chain of our products. We are constantly working to deliver sustainable solutions for our customers: whether through optimizing our production processes, using renewable energy in our mills, or ensuring the protection of biodiversity in our forests.

By focusing on sustainability today, we create lasting value that will lead to a more prosperous tomorrow.

Our approach strengthens our commitment to sustainable practices across the value chain, from raw material to value creation. And our performance demonstrates what we have achieved.
UPM Communication Papers Sustainability Team

Sustainable fresh fibre

86% of our wood is from certified sources. UPM plants 50 million trees annually.

Recycled fibre

UPM is one of the world’s leading recyclers of recovered paper in graphic paper production.

Ecolabelled products

Every UPM paper product has been awarded at least one of the World’s leading eco-labels.

Circular economy

90% of the side stream materials generated at or mills are reused and replace virgin raw materials elsewhere.


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External recognitions

UPM stands out globally for its achievements in corporate responsibility. We demonstrate our commitment every day to a sustainable future, and we are recognised for it. This is a source of inspiration – not only for us, but for the whole industry.



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Dow Jones Sustainability Index

The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) evaluate the sustainability performance of publicly traded companies

Dow Jones Sustainability Index lists UPM the leader of its industry

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CDP A-list

CDP offers most comprehensive collection of self-reported environmental data in the world.

UPM has been recognised with a triple ‘A’ score for its performance and transparent reporting on climate change, forests and water security by the global environmental non-profit CDP. Out of nearly 15,000 companies scored, UPM is one of only 12 companies that achieved the triple ‘A’.

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Global Compact LEAD

LEAD companies show the highest levels of engagement with the United Nations Global Compacta UN global business initiative for sustainable and socially responsible policies. 

UN recognises UPM as Compact LEAD participant 2021

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Read more about Global Compact LEAD


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