Dörpen, Germany
1,350 Employees (total on site)
830,000 t / per year
UPM Nordland Papier is located in Dörpen in Lower Saxony, Germany. Founded in 1967, the paper mill ranks today among the biggest fine and specialty paper producers in Europe.
Dörpen, Germany
1,350 Employees (total on site)
830,000 t / per year
Product types
Fine papers, office & postal papers
UPM Fine, UPM Finesse, UPM Office, UPM Office Recycled plus, UPM Office Recycled premium, UPM Mail, UPM Preprint, UPM PrePersonal
Digi papers
UPM Digi
Specialty papers
“I feel lucky to work for UPM. We have a strong emphasis on sustainable products and we manufacture our products with great energy efficiency."
All certificates can be found from UPM’s Certificate finder
Two daughter companies of UPM-Kymmene Beteiligungsgesellschaft operate on the mill premises. The nortrans Speditionsgesellschaft mbH provides freight transport services for the paper mill. NorService GmbH specialises in custom paper finishing especially focused on DIGI and special cutsize products.
UPM Nordland Papier
Nordlandallee 1
PO Box 1160
D-26888 Dörpen
tel: +49 4963 401 00
email: info.nordland(at)upm.com
www: www.upmpaper.com
Take the opportunity to visit our “Paperworld”. In this showroom the visitors find extensive information on traditional and modern papermaking processes as well as on UPM and the products of the six business areas.
For more information about our offers as well as contact and directions, please see our flyer.
Sustainable, responsible, innovative and future-oriented paper production. Paper as part of everyday life.
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UPM Communication Papers
Georg-Haindl-Strasse 5
PO Box 101749
D-86007 Augsburg
Tel.+49 821 31090